8. New week, new book. This week start on the Hollier review book. Her book is divided into sections, each with 24-27 questions each and three practice tests. Use the same process except complete a section (at the most 27 questions) a day until you complete all the pertinent sections. Remember to do the pediatrics and geriatrics sections in the back. They will take more time since there are more questions. Just divide them up into 25-30 questions a day until you complete the book. (NOTE: it looks like this book is no longer sold by Dr. Hollier. It is an excellent book, so I would try to buy it used while you can.)
Once again, do a total and look at your scores. Your scores will probably not be too good. Don't worry too much, this will help to focus your study on what your weaknesses. On some days if you have time to do 30-50 questions, that is fine, just do not do more than 100 questions at a setting.
After you complete all the sections in the Hollier book, take one day and set aside about 3 hours for one of the practice test. How are you doing? Hopefully your score is improving as you go along. My first time around I was in the 60-80 range - which some people say is good enough to pass. But failure was not an option for me, so I continued to study. I did not feel "ready" until I was getting scores consistently in the 90s.
Next: Don't buy the Codina Liek book without reading this post!
Once again, do a total and look at your scores. Your scores will probably not be too good. Don't worry too much, this will help to focus your study on what your weaknesses. On some days if you have time to do 30-50 questions, that is fine, just do not do more than 100 questions at a setting.
After you complete all the sections in the Hollier book, take one day and set aside about 3 hours for one of the practice test. How are you doing? Hopefully your score is improving as you go along. My first time around I was in the 60-80 range - which some people say is good enough to pass. But failure was not an option for me, so I continued to study. I did not feel "ready" until I was getting scores consistently in the 90s.
Next: Don't buy the Codina Liek book without reading this post!
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Copyrighted 2015, N. Sturgill, FNP
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